Historia Wikingów / Else Roesdahl ; przekł. Franciszek Jaszuński.
- Autor: Roesdahl, Else (1942- )..
- Title:
- Place and date of publication: Gdańsk : 2001.
- Publisher: Marabut,
- Physical description: 280, [6] s. : il. ; 25 cm.
- Language: pol eng dan
- Subject entries:
- ISBN: 8387135097
- Edition: Wyd. 2.
- Series: Narody i Cywilizacje
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- Licence: Repository License
- Text version: Original author's
- Availability: For order
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- Description: Rozdział 1
- Licence: Repository License
- Text version: Original author's
- Availability: For order
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- Description: Rozdział 2
- Licence: Repository License
- Text version: Original author's
- Availability: For order
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- Description: Zakończenie
- Licence: Repository License
- Text version: Original author's
- Availability: For order