Terms & Conditions

  1. The terms used:
    1. Library - Jerzy Giedroyc University Library,
    2. Library of Available Collections (hereinafter: LoAC) - an IT system used to provide students, PhD students, listeners and employees of the University of Bialystok with access to the digital version of scientific and educational materials via Internet links,
    3. Individual materials - educational and scientific materials indicated by the teacher, prepared for the users with special needs, not available to other users,
    4. Section - Independent Section to Support People with Special Needs,
    5. UwB - University of Bialystok,
    6. User – an individual with an account in the USOS UwB system, including a person with special needs who is unable to use scientific and educational materials in a traditional way.
  2. LoAC provides collections in a digital version in accordance with the requirements of the Act of February 4, 1994 on copyright and related rights (Journal of Laws 1994 No. 24 item 83, as amended), and in particular pursuant to art. 28 within the scope of powers granted to educational institutions, universities and research institutes and pursuant to art. 331 regarding the use of distributed works for the benefit of people with special needs.
  3. The scope of access to LoAC services depends on the type of authorizations, which are defined separately for different groups of Users, 3 of which are:
    1. students, PhD students, postgraduate students,
    2. academic teachers,
    3. other people authorized by the Section.
    Each group of Users may use the collections accordingly to the role and scope of access to the LoAC assigned to them. Materials are made available to students, PhD students and post-graduate students of the University of Bialystok only through the classes to which they are assigned. Materials are to be chosen by the teacher as part of classes and made available through LoAC for the duration of the class program.
  4. Individual materials may be available only to people with special needs pursuant to art. 331 of the Act of February 4, 1994 on copyright and related rights (except for materials made available to classes). In this case, it is necessary to obtain confirmation of entitlements by the Section through which orders are placed.
  5. Orders for materials to be made available in a digital version via LoAC are placed only by the academic teachers in the scope and quantity necessary to conduct classes. Orders cannot cover entire publications, but only their fragments, including: chapters from monographs, collective publications, articles from magazines, etc. The exception are individual materials, which are ordered in accordance with point 4.
  6. The Library, in particular the Department of Special Collections and Digitization (reprografia.bu@uwb.edu.pl) and editors appointed by the Library Director, is responsible for digitizing documents to LoAC, making them available in the system and editing metadata.
  7. The order can be processed after verification by the responsible unit. It can verify the availability of the library resources at the University of Bialystok, as well as lack of them in the LoAC collections. The client will be informed by e-mail about the completion of the order and the availability of materials in the digital version in LoAC.
  8. An account in the LoAC system may belong to one user only, and only its owner is authorized to use it. The access (the login and the password) to a given account may not be disclosed to the third parties.
  9. The LoAC user acknowledges that in order to protect the collections, one-time access limits and different periods of access to specific documents are introduced. The limits will be determined in consultation with academic teachers and the Section.
  10. The works available in LoAC are those to which UwB has the rights to use and distribute.
  11. The LoAC User agrees to comply with the law to the extent resulting from the Act on Copyright and Related Rights, in particular:
    1. to use the collections to which he has been granted access only for personal use,
    2. to not to distribute these materials,
    3. to not use for commercial purposes, to not reprint the content of the obtained materials, neither in whole, nor in part.
  12. Using LoAC requires acceptance of these Regulations during the first login, by checking the box with the label "I have read the regulations and accept them", which is equivalent to the signing by the User.
  13. The use of LoAC requires consent to the processing of personal data by the University of Bialystok, to the extent necessary to provide this service and in accordance with par. 67 point 9 of the Statute of the University. Consent is given by checking the box with the label "I consent to the processing of personal data to the extent necessary to use the Library of Available Resources" and is equivalent to the signing by the User..
  14. In case of violation of these rules, in particular the detection of actions that infringe the law, the University of Bialystok will block the User’s access to LoAC collections and can notify the relevant authorities of the existence of such situation.
  15. In case of access block due to violation of the rules, the User may re-apply for LoAC access within the 12-month period (counted from the date of blocking).

dr hab. Piotr Chomik, prof. UwB
Director of the Jerzy Giedroyc University Library